A Grisly Dream Saves an Iguana’s Life
As a huge animal lover, I read a lot of books by Allen & Linda Anderson (we extreme animal lovers have to stick together, right?). I was zipping along through their latest book, Angel Animals – Book of Inspiration when I came to a story that spoke to BOTH the dreamologist and the animal lover.
An iguana parent (Darry) from North Carolina was telling the story of their pet iguana, Bubbette. When Bubbette was a baby, Darry had a very troubling dream one night. She dreamed that Bubbette got into the garbage disposal and was killed. The dream was so realistic and frightening that she literally woke up crying. Grisly
Several months passed and Darry was working in the kitchen one day, with Bubbette on her shoulder. Darry cleared dishes, and generally took care of things that we all do after a meal – with Bubbette riding happily on her shoulder.
What happened next really makes the hair on your arms sit up:
I pushed scraps down the garbage disposal and switched it on. When I turned around to pick up more dishes, I had a flashback of that dream. Immediately, I spun back to the sink and flicked off the disposal – just in time. Bubbette, for the first time ever, had taken a flying leap off my shoulder into the sink. I caught her just as she was going down the disposal drain.
If I had not remembered that dream, Bubbette probably would have fallen into the garbage disposal before I could realize what was happening. She was very small at the time, and would have slid easily into the hole and met an untimely demise.
Thank goodness the little cutie was spared by her mom’s dream!
I found something else fascinating about the dream. This Iguana lover spends a great deal of time promoting the safety and care of Iguanas. She belongs to a rescue group that discourages people from adopting iguanas until they’ve read “Iguanas for Dummies” (great, great advice, by the way – A LOT more goes into bringing an iguana into your family than you’d think). This concern and compassion for this animal made its way into her dream, and saved her own little girl in the process!
This is just another clear example of why I tell people, “Never, ever ignore your dreams.”
Dreams of Being Lost – What Do These Dreams Mean?
A Recently Submitted Dream for Analysis:
I always dream about not being able to find my way somewhere, or not being able to find something that I knew was there before. I either can’t find my way home, or can’t find my way out of a house, or can’t find the proper road, etc. Last night’s dream – I put my bag in a post office box (that was on the outside of the post office for some reason), and then when I went to find it, I couldn’t. I went up and down streets looking for the box I put my bag in, but couldn’t find it. One other time, I was trying to find my way home and kept walking on different roads that kind of looked familiar, but were not the roads I needed to get home. One other was I was in a house with many rooms, and could not find my way out of it. All my dreams are like this, and I wake up before I find my way. What does this type of dream mean?
Fascinatingly enough, your dreams are actually covering several areas. They’re taking you by the hand and pulling you in several directions. It’s a wonder you aren’t completely frazzled!
Dreams of Being Lost
The key symbolism for dreams in which we lose our way (or can’t find it in the first place) is frustration. It’s a pretty common dream theme, simply because all of us are familiar with being frustrated. Whether it’s in school, at home, at work, or in a relationship – we all know the feeling of wanting something to go THIS way as we sit and watch it defiantly go THAT way instead!
Many Christians will experience dreams such as this when they feel that they’re “losing their way,” or that they aren’t reading their Bible often enough, praying enough, etc. I interpreted a dream for a lady,once, who had gone to her Catholic church for over 20 years. An injury at work left her unable to leave her house for a couple of months. She had dreams just about every night of losing either her teeth, her hair, her clothes, etc. Her church was such a huge part of her life that she felt like she was actually “losing herself.” I suggested that she call up members of her church and invite them over for coffee. When they found out how much she missed them, a few ladies began automatically coming by after each service – bringing her cookies, drinking coffee with her, and telling her what had gone on at the service. Is that sweet or what?! The dreams ended because she didn’t feel the loss so much any longer.
Dreams of Losing Objects
When we dream of losing something, it’s an indication that we feel we have, indeed, lost something. Parents who have young children suddenly enrolled in school (whether it’s first grade or college) will have frequent dreams like this because they subconsciously feel that they’ve lost something. Soon, however, they realize they haven’t lost the child at all and the dreams fade away.
On an even deeper level, many people who have made compromises in relationships (personal or professional) will have these dreams because they feel that they’ve lost a piece of themself.
I’d say that your dreams are definitely trying to tell you something. Any time dreams recur like this, there’s an underlying issue or emotion. I like to think of these hidden emotions as unopened e-mail. You know when you log in to your e-mail, it’ll tell you when you have unopened mail? Recurring dreams serve the same basic function – alerting us that we have undealt with emotions.
When we click on the unopened mail, the message goes away. We’ve dealt with it and there’s no need for it to bring anything to our attention any longer.
Think of your dreams along these lines. Spend a little time with yourself (no distractions) and ask yourself what losses you feel – whether they are literal, physical losses or emotional. More likely than not, you’ll get in touch with feelings you didn’t even fully realize you were having.
Good luck and sweet dreams!
What Does it Mean When You Dream of Choking?
Below is a dream submitted this past week:
I every once in a while have this dream. I am eating something sometimes, but there are other times it just happens. I get a string caught during swallowing and I have to loosen my throat muscles to pull it back out. When i attempt to pull it out, it is a never ending string that just goes on and on and on. I see myself and feel myself pulling for a long time. The thing that is weird is that I can feel this and I dread dreaming this. It is soo uncomfortable. Is this a common dream? What is your interpretation of this dream? Thanks!
I’ve read your dream through four times to try to get a really good handle on it. If you had just had this dream once I would have thought it was connected to something like flossing before bed. I have a tendency to floss too hard sometimes and if my gums bleed, I can expect to be harmed at some point in my dreams. Needless to say, I’ve started being more careful when flossing!
The fact that you’ve had this sort of dream more than once leads me to believe that there’s a little more to it than just this sort of “association” type of dream.
When I read your dream I get the feeling that your predominant emotion during the dream is frustration. Sure, it’s uncomfortable and the situation puts you in a bad position, but I think the most important thing to notice is that you feel frustrated by several things:
1. You’re frustrated that the choking occurs in the first place – as you said, sometimes even when you aren’t eating in your dream.
2. You’re frustrated that you have to contort your throat muscles in a manner to try to prevent the choking.
3. You’re frustrated that you pull and pull but can’t get to the end of the string.
In dreams that I call “Frustration Dreams,” you can usually expect to hear the dreamer use the following phrases:
- It went on and on and on…
- It seemed like it took forever…
- No matter what I did, I couldn’t…..
- No one would listen to me…..
- Never ending…
- Impossible…..
They also will frequently comment about something lasting a long time. When I read “…it is a never ending string that just goes on and on and on….” in your dream description, I knew we were dealing with a frustration dream of some type. It’s an absolutely beautiful example of this type of dream.
Usually frustration dreams are brought on by things in our day to day life that we feel powerless against. These things are either courtesy of other people (things others do that frustrate us) or they’re courtesy of our ourselves (things we, ourselves, do that frustrate us).
The fact that your frustration dream involves the face is very, very important. This is a key symbolism that means the frustration is extremely personal. When we dream about a part of our body, it means that that dream meaning is a very personal one.
The tricky thing is that this could mean one of two things, and only you will know for sure which one it is. Your dream is an indication that you are either:
- Frustrated by a habit or thought that you can’t quit doing or thinking. Many people have this sort of dream when they can’t quit procrastinating, can’t “get over” an ex, can’t stop a particular habit such as biting their nails or smoking, etc. I once had a string of frustrating dreams when I consistently failed to make time to exercise!
- If you aren’t frustrated with something that the person in the mirror is or isn’t doing, then the dream would indicate that you are frustrated with something someone else does. This person would be someone extremely close to you – someone who would be of the utmost importance to you. The symbolism of your mouth would indicate that it is probably someone you are connected to in a romantic way.
I want to mention something about choking dreams. If you had experienced an isolated dream about choking and your emotions were primarily fear and/or embarrassment, I would suggest that you had recently said something you regretted. However, you have had several of these dreams and you just don’t strike me as a person who puts their foot in their mouth on a daily basis!
Also, as I said before, the primary emotion seems to be frustration.
As for bringing an end to the dreams, my first suggestion would be to try very hard NOT to think about the dreams or their details. Before bedtime, think about anything and everything BUT these dreams – or about anything that frustrates you at all. Read a great novel, watch television, or take a blissful bubble bath.
Finally, if you can pinpoint where the frustration is coming from, you’ll double your odds of ending these dreams.
Best of luck!
How to Have Lucid Dreams with a Herbal Bath and Candles Kit
Set the Scene for Lucid Dreaming!
Most of us who are fascinated with dreams, dream interpretation, dream analysis, and the meaning of dreams are equally fascinated with lucid dreaming. Lucid dreams are dreams in which we feel as though we are very much awake. Lucid dreams seem brighter, louder, more vivid, and more alive than most dreams.
Is it any wonder so many people are asking, “How can I have lucid dreams?!”
It’s all about setting the stage and creating an atmosphere where lucid dreams are more apt to occur. I talk more about setting the stage in an article about lucid dreaming (linked to in the first paragraph above as well as at the bottom of this post) but I’d love to tell you about something that’ll help you create an atmosphere, or scene, in which you’ll invite lucid dreams into your life.
If you’re truly serious in Lucid Dreams, you’ll love the Herbal Bath for Lucid Dreams and Candles Kit pictured above. The Lucid Dreams Herbal Bath is made and hand blended with Organic wild harvested herbs and follows an old recipe, passed down through generations. It induces deep sleep with relaxing powerful scents of the aromatic herbs.
When you have deeper REM sleep, lucid dreaming is more apt to occur.
From the website:
It is excellent for you to receive answers to important questions you may have because the mixture of herbs used gives you vivid and lucid answers to these questions in your dreams. This blend contains: Rose Petals, Mugwort, Rosemary, Lavender Flowers, Chamomile Flowers, Hops Flowers, Orris root, Borage and a relaxing blend of pure essential oils. We also included two purple chime candles in the kit and a reusable cotton bag to be used with the mixture in the bath water. The contents in the jar is enough for three or four uses. You can use also this mixture to do dream herbal pillows and use under your pillow to induce fast sleep. It comes with all information you need in how to use the kit. A beautiful iridescent organza bag is included to keep your jar safe when not in use. All our hand blended herbal mixtures are blended and sealed at the time of purchase to ensure freshness.
Product Features
- Contains 1 (4 oz) jar of herbal bath for Lucid Dreams.
- Contains 2 purple chime candles.
- It will help you relax and invite sweeter sleep – the perfect environment for Lucid Dreams.
- Information on how to use provided. It comes with a iridescent organza bag.
“Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.” – Edgar Cayce
What Are Lucid Dreams?
If you’re interested in lucid dreams and want to know how you can have lucid dreams, yourself, see What are Lucid Dreams on Dream Prophesy. These fascinating dreams are worth the minimal amount of effort it takes for you to “set the stage.” There are steps you can take to improve your chances of having these fascinating and vivid dreams!