Dreams About Death: What Your Dreams Mean
A recent dream request:
I keep having dreams in where death itself is after me everywhere i turn its there. & this really scares me. can you please help me figure out what these dreams mean?
Dreams about death are always troubling – very much so! It’s important to remember, however, that these dreams aren’t actually about death as much as they’re about change or transition. Death in dreams is also often a dream symbol for loss.
Often, people will dream about death during the following changes in their lives:
- change of schools (from grade school to middle school, from middle school to high school, from high school to college – or a change of schools as a result of moving)
- change of job
- a move
- divorce
- parents divorce
- a friend moving away
- change of teachers
- change of boss and/or co-workers
- loss of a pet
- loss of a friendship
- starting a new relationship
- ending an old relationship
As you can see, any sort of change sort of brings about a “loss” of sorts – a new job also means the loss of an old one. A new relationship often means the “loss” of an old one, etc. Death dreams generally just represent this change.
We often will dream about lost loved ones during times of change or transition as well. Basically, anything that symbolizes change to us will symbolize change to us in our dreams.
Please don’t ever be afraid of death dreams – they aren’t negative dreams. In fact, ancient dream guides often stated that to dream of death was a great sign that something wonderful was about to happen to you! These dreamologists believed that to dream of death meant that the dreamer was moving on to a new, exciting experience in their lives.
Nothing scary about that!
September 15, 2010 at 20:57:00
what does it mean when 6 people have death dreams about people in their neighborhood all in the same week? What does it mean when two of those people have a dream where the same girl got murdered in both of their dreams? And in both of those dreams her face was bashed in?
September 27, 2010 at 15:37:00
Perfect job , keep it up.
March 19, 2011 at 17:39:00
ok so i recently had a dream and it was realy gory it was creepy to but there was this boy and he had a knife and was stabbing me in the stomach and pulling out my insides but i just let him i did not fight back or anything and in the dream i was not scared or anything i just let him kill me just wondering if anyone knew what this ment i have alot of weird dreams like this i just dont know what they mean an they scare me.