Dreams About Throwing Money Away: What They Really Mean
“I had a dream that has me pretty worried. I dreamed a few nights ago that I had been given a $50,000 check from my boss. I went immediately to some sort of store that I’ve never seen before and blew every last penny on stupid stuff, I mean really STUPID stuff. Things I didn’t want and things I’d never buy in my real life. At the end of the dream, I was very sad and frustrated because I blew all the money and didn’t have it any more. I kept thinking, “I want it back. I wasted it all and I can’t get it back!’ What does this dream mean? I haven’t lost anything or anyone in my life recently. Does this mean I’m going to lose a lot of money or lose something or someone near to me? I’m a real wreck with worry!!!” – Rita
First of all, Rita, this dream isn’t an omen. Dreams don’t tell the future – because no one can really, accurately do that. This dream has a real, genuine meaning, but before we get to it – I think it’s a good idea to remind everyone that dreams aren’t, by nature prophetic. HOWEVER, they can point out situations or needs to us that’ll allow us to avert potential problems sensed by our subconscious mind.
Here’s the thing, our subconscious mind is much more in touch with what’s going on in our mind and heart than our conscious mind is. Our conscious mind has so many different things to process and take care of during the day. Too many things are vying for our attention! However, when we yield ourselves to our subconscious mind (such as in sleep or deep mediation), we give our subconscious mind a chance to speak up and have its say.
This is why dream analysis is so VERY important. If we can grab and hang onto what our subconscious mind tells us in our sleep, we can learn extremely valuable things about ourselves and our lives – things that aren’t caught by the over-stimulated and over-worked conscious mind.
In this particular dream, the dreamer (Rita) is getting a very clear and distinct message. This dream indicates that Rita is, deep down, afraid that she’s missing a great opportunity. I believe that her subconscious mind recognizes that she’s letting something slip by that she’ll later regret. This could be a job opportunity, a relationship, time spent with a loved one, a house, a car… basically anything.
Only the dreamer knows for certain what may be slipping away from her!
Rita, my suggestion would be to get alone someplace very quiet and private. Go deep into your thoughts and find this opportunity that your subconscious mind is afraid of missing. The dream symbolism is that you are “blowing it.” The fact that you felt so dejected and wanted so desperately to “get it back” indicates that we’re talking about time. This sort of dream is very common amongst parents who feel they aren’t spending enough time with their children. A lot of people have this sort of dream when they’re afraid they aren’t spending as much time visiting their parents or other family members enough.
The thing your subconscious mind is most afraid of losing seems to be TIME. Money and Time are often interchangeable in dreams and money is a commons symbol for time (after all, they’re each things we SPEND and the subconscious mind would have a difficult time symbolizing time, itself).
Dream Interpretation: Hole in the Road Nightmare
Hole in the Road Dreams: What they mean and why it matters!
A recent dreamer submitted a frustrating dream they were having for analysis. This dream involved a hole in the road that they knew they had to avoid. In fact, in the dream, they were aware of the fact that falling in the hole meant certain death.
The funny thing was, they could see into the hole and it was only about a foot deep and beautiful yellow flowers were on the bottom! The dreamer wondered why such a shallow, innocent looking hole would elicit such fear in the dream. As he/she pointed out, “… the thing that had me so frightened during the dream, and even after I first woke up, seems silly now. It looked like a flower bed that had sunk about a foot!” However, the dreamer also mentioned that this was actually one of the worst nightmares they’d had in a long time and that they woke up “frightened” and “breathing heavily.”
While it may seem that avoiding the hole would have been easy, the hole in the dream was on a very narrow road that the dreamer HAD to travel on. They simply HAD to get past the hole without falling in. Dreams are amazing like that, we just KNOW something but most dreamers have no idea where the knowledge stems from. What makes these dreams even more fascinating is the fact that the knowledge does stem from someplace… the dreamer’s subconsciousness. Which is, of course, why dream interpretation is so important and fascinating – our dreams truly do let us know what’s going on deep in our minds and hearts.
In the dream of the hole in the road, the dreamer KNEW that the innocent-looking hole was deadly. While this may be a bit extreme for what lies in their day to day world, make no mistake about it: There is something in their life that spells trouble. Whether it’s a relationship, hobbies, a goal, plans, job, etc… There is something that, while on the surface seems innocent (as lovely perhaps as a flower bed), could spell disaster. Deep in the dreamer’s subconsciousness, they know it.
The thing about this dream that worries me most is how the dreamer felt during the dream and upon waking. So much about a dream’s interpretation lies in how the dreamer felt (or feels). The intensity of the feelings indicates that the potential danger that lies within the dreamer’s real life isn’t something they should play around with. When our dreams are this intense and bring about such strong emotions and feelings, make no mistake about it, our subconscious mind REALLY wants us to listen!
Of course, changes in our lives shouldn’t be made on the grounds of a dream alone. The dream should serve as a reason to look more closely at what’s going on in our lives.
If you’ve ever had a dream about a hole in the road (or along your path) that you were afraid of falling in, realize that it’s symbolic of something in your life – something that you’re afraid of “falling into” or “falling prey to.”
Some people, who have recently quit smoking, will have hole dreams. The dream symbolism is that they’re afraid of falling back into a harmful habit. Many times, realizing that their subconscious mind fears for their well-being is JUST the extra incentive they need to avoid the pitfalls while awake as surely as they do in their dream.
Have you ever personally had hole dreams. Do you realize what the hole in the dream symbolized? Share your dream and experiences in the comments!
What Does it Mean When You Dream of an Operation?
I was recently asked, via the contact form, “What does it mean when you dream of having an operation?” This type of dream actually depends on whether or not you have an upcoming doctor’s appointment or trip to the dentist. If you have an upcoming exam, procedure, or even a check-up, dreaming of an operation is simply a matter of your mind “acting out” anxieties you may have. It most definitely doesn’t indicate that anything is seriously wrong with you. You’re simply anxious about the appointment and/or procedure.
If you do not have an upcoming appointment, dreaming about an operation indicates something different, all together. Operation dreams (or even dreams of having your teeth pulled or your hair cut) indicate the subconscious desire to REMOVE something from your life or for someone (sometimes even yourself) to CUT something out! For example, many people who are struggling with overcoming a bad habit (overeating, smoking, etc.) or correcting an undesirable trait (bad temper, dishonesty…) will have operation dreams.
It’s their mind’s way of processing their desire to REMOVE something from their lives. And, yes, sometimes this something might be a specific person! If a relationship has gone very bad, you may dream of an operation, symbolizing your desire to remove either the trouble or the person from you life. Only the dreamer knows for sure which is the case.
If you dream of another person having an operation, you must be very careful about your dream interpretation. The dream analysis could go one of two ways:
- The operation in the dream could symbolize something you want THEM to cut out of their life or remove from their personality/disposition.
- The dream could indicate something in your own life – something that’s related to this particular individual in some way.
- The dream could have nothing whatsoever to do with the person having the operation in your dream! It could be that they were on your mind recently and their appearance in the dream has nothing to do with the interpretation – the only thing that matters is the operation, itself.
When you think back to the dream, pay close attention to the emotions you remembered having in the dream. If your dream involved someone else having surgery, the more you focused on THEM in the dream, the more likely they have something to do with the interpretation. However, if the main focus of the dream was the operation, it’s likely that they were simply a “stand in.”
As with all dreams, only you can get to the real analysis. Think about the things in your life that you’d like to change. What thing(s) would you remove from your life if you had the power to do so? When you come up with an answer to this question, you’ll have the analysis of the dream.
What Mountain Dreams Mean and Why Dream Analysis is So Important
If you dream of a mountain, your mind is actually “sorting out” a few things in your life. Mainly, these dreams are ways the brain sorts out:
- obstacles
- lofty tasks
- very large challenges
Generally speaking, when we’re faced with what we perceive to be small obstacles or relatively easy tasks and challenges, we don’t have significant dreams about them. Our mind thinks, “No biggie. I can knock this out!” However, when the tasks or challenges are large and the obstacles seem all but insurmountable, the brain sort of “lashes out” in sleep. I think of it as the brain saying, “Seriously?! I have THIS to deal with?!”
Often, in our daily lives, we become so busy and goal-oriented that we don’t always realize just how intimidated or anxious we are when it comes to challenges. However, when our pace and our minds slow down, in sleep, the obstacles and challenges finally have a chance to catch up with us. It’s THEN that the brain can register just how largely they’re looming on the horizon.
Dream analysis is vital and crucial to real self-realization and self-growth. This type of dream is the perfect example why.
After dreaming of mountains, for example, an individual can take inventory of their life. The dreamer can sit down, with pen and paper, and write down things that could possibly be represented or symbolized by the mountains in their dream. Could it be something at work or school? Could it be a particular goal like wanting to lose weight, quit smoking, or learn a new language? Could the mountain symbolize a problematic relationship – one in which the dreamer doesn’t hold much hope for?
When the dreamer identifies the symbolization of the mountain, he or she can then write down ways in which they can proactively deal with obstacles and ways they can find their way to the finish line!
That’s the beauty of dreams, dream interpretation, and dream analysis. Most people just see the FUN side of dreams and finding out what dreams mean. And, make no mistake about it, it is fun! However, people need to realize that we can use our dreams to open new doors and find new paths to making our dreams come true – whether they’re financial dreams (finding a better job, making more money, starting your own business..), personal victories (losing weight, becoming more outgoing, overcoming bad habits…), relationship-related goals (finding your soul mate, improving your family relationships, improving your romantic relationships, communicating with your children or parents…), or any goal or dream you can think of!
Use your dreams to help you open a whole new world and possibly even a whole new you!
Dreaming of Being Left Behind
What does it mean to dream of being left behind? If you dream that you have been left behind, it is symbolic of an inner feeling of inadequacy. Many people feel that this type of dream means they have been wronged in some way or that others don’t like them. In all actuality, however, dreaming of being left behind has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else. It’s all you, sport!
This is the perfect example of why I always say that dreams can be very helpful in self improvement and self growth. When we get tuned in to our dreams and dream symbols, we’ll realize just how much they tell us about ourselves. We can then, of course, take this information and use it constructively and proactively.
If you have a dream where you have been left behind, mark it down: There is something about you that you feel insecure or unsure about. It could be physical or it could not be physical! Below are just some of the areas in a person’s life that could cause them to have feelings of insecurity:
- Weight
- Intelligence
- Personality
- Shyness
- Grammar
- Education
- Vehicle they drive
- House they live in
- Friends
- Family
- Guilt over something they’ve done
- Job or “title”
- Speech
- General appearance
The list, of course, goes on and on. The point is, the insecurity could come from just about anyplace – only the dreamer knows for sure. However, there may be clues in the dream that point to the area of insecurity. Look for the following four clues:
- In the dream, do the people who are leaving you behind have anything in common? For example, are they all rich, skinny, outgoing, etc? If they are glaring similar in some way, you may feel that you are lacking in this area.
- In the dream, is money involved in any way? If someone has left you behind while they go shopping, you may feel insecure about your financial situation.
- In the dream, has EVERYONE left you behind – that is to say EVERY single person in the dream? You probably feel lonely and isolated in your day to day life and are (whether rightly or wrongly) pointing your fingers at the area in which you feel insecure or inefficient.
- In the dream, has everyone left you behind because they’re angry at you? If this is the case, you may feel insecure about something you’ve done or something you failed to do. Feelings of guilt cause us to feel that we don’t quite measure up to others and that we’re worthy of being abandoned.
Here’s a completely different dream about being left behind: What if YOU are the one leaving someone or something behind? This type of dream has a different meaning, all together. If you dream that you have or are leaving someone, something, or someplace behind, the symbolism is that you are “leaving behind” the past. This could be a bad habit, a feeling of guilt, anger or resentment toward someone in particular, etc. It could also symbolize leaving a job, school, home, or relationship.
If you’ve had any dreams similar to these, please tell us about them in the comments!