Aromatherapy Can Lead to Deeper Sleep AND Lucid Dreams
Learn How to Use Essential Oils for Better Sleep
If you’re interested in lucid dreams and more specifically in experiencing them for yourself, one of the first things you need to do is “create the right environment” for lucid dreaming. Part of this (and arguably the most important part) is ensuring you get the deepest REM sleep possible. This, as they say, is where the magic happens.
Marilyn Reid, owner of the website Taruna Oils, knows a lot about essential oils and aromatherapy. She has agreed to share the article below with readers of Dream Prophesy. I know you’ll enjoy this article as much as I did. The article details how to use essential oils for better sleep, which is of course, vital to lucid dreaming.
Using Aromatherapy For A Good Night’s Sleep
by Marilyn Reid
Do you toss and turn all night or possibly even have trouble drifting off to sleep altogether? Do you wake up in the morning groggy and discombobulated due to poor rest? If so, you can continue this pattern, turn to dangerous pharmaceuticals or begin utilizing aromatherapy.
Obviously, using essential oils for an aromatherapy treatment is the best choice on the list. You surely do not want to continue having restless nights and the side effects of sleep aid pharmaceuticals are quite concerning if you read the warnings. While you need to follow directions regarding safe use of essential oils, they are far safer when used properly than drugs.
Lavender – The flowers and the essential oils distilled from this plant are a wonderful choice for those suffering from anxiety and stress. The sedating effects are also ideal for those plagued with sleep troubles. An added bonus to having this essential oil in your medicine bag is the skin healing properties when applied to burns, bites and acne breakouts.
Roman Chamomile – Be careful when purchasing this essential oil because there are other types of chamomile that are less effective for sleep and more so for other ailments. The Roman variety has a peaceful floral fragrance that blends well with lavender and some other oils.
Ylang Ylang – The floral fragrance of this oil has hints of fruit as well. It can be used alone or blended with the two previous oils. It complements them well by improving the quality of your sleep.
Marjoram – While you may think about cooking when you hear marjoram, the essential oil has benefits outside of the kitchen. This particular oil will relax your muscles while soothing your entire nervous system. The sedating effects reduce hypertension as well.
Bergamot – This cold-pressed oil can help balance your emotions. Unlike other citrus oils, it has a calming effect that can benefit your sleep-inducing efforts.
Frankincense – Many ancient cultures used frankincense, including the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians. The oil contains incensole acetate, which relieves anxiety and depression. If you are having sleep troubles related to emotional disturbances in your life, frankincense is an excellent choice.
Other potentially beneficial oils for your sleep problems are valerian root, vetiver, clary sage, cistus, spikenard, rose, neroli, sandalwood and cedarwood.
High-quality essential oils can be found online and in your local health food store. Read about the various companies to find one with a good reputation and affordable prices. If a company prices all of their oils the same, it is a red flag. Some simply require more raw product to create, raising the price accordingly.
In addition to investigating the manufacturer, you should make sure you are purchasing from a reliable retailer. Read online reviews to find out about their customer service and products.
Once you have the oil or oils, you are going to use for sleep induction, you will need to decide how to incorporate them into your nightly routine. One option is to add several drops to your bath water or in the shower. When taking a shower, block the drain and drop the oils into the water, allowing the steamy medicated water to relax your mind and body. Another option is to keep a diffuser in your room. Follow the direction on the package. You can massage a diluted form of the oil into your skin or have your partner do it. The touch is soothing and can help to stimulate the absorption of oils into your system. Some of the oils on this list, such as lavender, can also work directly on tense muscle tissues when applied in this manner.
Keep track of which oils and methods are most effective for helping you to get the rest you deserve at the end of each day. You will soon have the right combination incorporated into your nightly routine. Then, good sleep is yours for the taking!
Also See: How to Have Lucid Dreams
Real Dream Interpretation: What Does it Mean to Dream About an Alligator?
Alligator Dreams Symbolize an Enemy or Foe…
Below is a Dream Submitted for Analysis:
I recently had a dream that I was at someplace like an auditorium. I was with a group of people I’ve never seen but have dreamt of before. We used to play a game and I forgot how, but I needed to battle someone. I left my cards in the back of my moms car on the floor so I sat outside to look at the cards i would duel with instead. While out there my dog and a skinny stray greyhound appeared and my friend and her mom and little brother touched it. A book from a friend I actually know is suddenly next to me and he’s texting me a secret about it. “The first few verses of my bible…” were all I got to see because the bible refused to open for me as if someone were turning the pages back. An alligator with red eyes appears where the greyhound was and squeezes through the bars in an attempt to kill my dog and my friends brother. I make it inside but have to throw my dog to the alligator. I get my dog out the gators mouth and tell her to hold it so I can take her to the vet though she looks dead. I mount the gator forcing it flat on the floor and rip its head off while telling someone to look up animal exorcisms and demonic animals. The alligator reattaches it’s head and my dream ends. But I see a google page of animals doing magic.
Please help me understand what this means because my friend has never given me a book and the other people I’ve had dreams with before along with the game.
This dream definitely falls under the categories disturbing and creative! On the one hand, you can feel how troubling it must have been for the dreamer, but you also kind of have to appreciate the creativity of this dreamer’s subconscious mind. Many people who have such creative minds are some of the most talented artists, authors, and creators in the world.
Of course, when you’ve had a disturbing dream like this, all of that means very little. You just want answers. That’s what we’ll try to get at below as we look at the different dream symbols.
Alligator. (Also Crocodile) Alligators and crocodiles represent very imposing enemies – this could be another individual or even a situation or goal. Some people “animalize” situations in life, such as disappointments, broken promises, lost dreams, lost jobs, money problems, etc. An alligator or crocodile usually represent something pretty large that the dreamer feels has attacked him/her or could possibly attack.
These animals could also appear in the dreams of people who frequently watch shows such as Swamp People or other shows/movies/games involving these animals.
Dog or other pet – dreaming of a dog or pet is very common. We feel protective of our pets and often think of them as family. It’s perfectly natural for them to appear in dreams. When a pet appears along with something dangerous or threatening, it often indicates that the dreamer wants to protect someone from something. In their daily life, there may be an individual they care about that they’re concerned for and wish to protect from harm.
Game – dreaming of the game (and even the cards) implies something that the dreamer needs to do… but, more importantly, needs to do well. A game in our dream suggests that our brain believes we have “one shot” to get it right. That we will, in essence, either win or lose. The fact that “battle” and “duel” are also mentioned adds to the weight of this burden. This dreamer obviously had something pretty heavy on their mind – something that probably involved trying to protect someone from something devastating.
The presence of a Bible and “demonic” animals is the perfect (make that PERFECT) example of conflict. These are such powerful opposites that you can literally feel the conflict the dreamer is under. While it’s not 100 percent certain, this implies that the dreamer isn’t sure how to approach their real-life dilemna. There’s someone they want to protect, but this conflict implies that they aren’t sure which way to go. They know very well that one way would be the right way (the Bible) – where everything is good and perfect but the other way (the demonic animals) would be disaster – in fact, it would be “hell.” The phrase “hell to pay” may even come into play.
Google is symbolic of searching – which goes along with this dream beautifully, as the dreamer is searching for answers. Animals doing magic somewhat suggests that the dreamer has even thought of their dilemma (wanting to protect someone) in terms of needing a “magic key” or a “miracle.”
Red. I’m also not the least bit surprised that red comes into play in this dream. As pointed out on our Dream Colors Page, red usually means something along the lines of “Alert!” or “Pay Attention!” in dreams. It is in keeping with the urgency the dreamer feels.
It’s also worth mentioning that people who are fans of “The Hunger Game” books or movies will often dream of large crowds, auditoriums, and “games.” Dreams are, in many ways, movies our subconscious mind creates while we’re sleeping. Fans of a particular type of entertainment will often see a recurring theme in their dreams – it simply means that their subconscious mind prefers this setting to the rest.
The crowd of people are probably just part of the scene, however, if they “feel” important to you, they could indicate that you feel everyone is watching you or that “all eyes are on” you.
The fact that the alligator reattaches its head simply means that the dreamer feels what they are up against is uncommonly powerful and fears that even their best efforts may not be enough.
While troubling dreams like this can rock our emotional world, it helps to think of them as helpful messengers. This type of dream can be used to help you step up in life and do whatever needs to be done. After all, whatever you fight today… at least it will NOT be a demonic alligator!
Thanks for sharing your dream and I hope your next dream is much more agreeable!
~ Joi
See our growing Dream Dictionary for more dream symbols, meanings, and interpretations.
Dream Dictionary (Dream Guide): New Dream Entries Added
Dreams From A to Z, as Well as Colors in Dreams and Dream Numbers
What do Dracula Dreams Mean? Find out in the Dream Dictionary!
As you can tell, there have been a lot of changes at Dream Prophesy. I tried several different looks and themes until I found one that works perfectly for my dreamers. I’m trying to make it easier for you to find the meaning or meanings behind your dreams. On the front page of the website, midway down, you’ll find a huge search box that’ll allow you to enter a dream symbol and retrieve results that’ll help you interpret your dream.
There is also a search box on the side of each page of the website.
Dream Dictionary and A- Z Dream Guide
I’ve been working a lot (make that A LOT) on the dream dictionary (A – Z guide) on Dream Prophesy. New entries have been added, along with beautiful pictures. You can find the Dream Dictionary pages by hovering over Dream Dictionary in the Menu Bar at the top of each page. Simply click on the alphabetical page that best describes symbols and/or emotions pertaining to your dream.
For the best dream analysis and interpretation, be sure to look up each word you can think of that’s associated with your dream. The dream guide is growing, daily, so if you’re unable to find a word you’re looking for today, be sure to check tomorrow!
What Colors Mean in Dreams
I’ve also added a page entirely devoted to colors in dreams. Different colors actually mean different things and this page will sort it all out for you. I’ll let you in on a little secret… very often the dream’s analysis and/or interpretation has more to do with the colors in your dream than with the symbols or even emotions. You can find the link to the color guide in the menu bar at the top of each page.
What Numbers Mean in Dreams
Like colors, numbers also can carry a lot of meaning when it comes to dreams. The reason for this is simple, if you REMEMBER a particular number from your dream, it is an important piece to the puzzle. If the fact that you saw, say, 3 cats on a swing, and the number sticks with you, it is important.
If, however, you simply recall “cats on a swing,” the number isn’t important. The numbers in dreams link is also found at the top of each page.
Why Ancient Dream Guides Aren’t as Relevant Today
There are a lot of ancient, outdated dream guides and dictionaries online and in bookstores and, while I don’t want to be rude, they will not serve you as well as a very up to date dream dictionary and dream guide, such as the one on Dream Prophesy. Don’t get me wrong, they’re entertaining and I even own a few myself. They’re just kind of fun, let’s be honest.
However, if you want an accurate dream interpretation for a modern dream, you MUST have a modern dream dictionary.
Here are a few reasons:
- Ancient and Outdated Dream Guides Rely Way too Much on Luck! One of the more entertaining ancient dream guides in my collection attaches “omens,” “good luck,” and “bad luck” to just about every dream. We know, today, that that’s all a bunch of nonsense. Dreams do not tell fortunes. Do dreams sometimes seem to come true? Yes. But the reason is simple – some people are incredibly intuitive. They perceive danger, not by hocus pocus, but by keen judgement and a supremely trained knowledge of their surroundings. Some people are more dialed in to their surroundings and the world around them than others and these people can often “sense” trouble. They may detect that another individual’s actions are dangerous and could lead to trouble. If they happen to dream that this individual gets in trouble, the dream didn’t foretell the future, their own keen intuition did. Many people give their dreams far too much credit and themselves far too little credit. Dreams are not good or bad luck and they certainly are not omens.
- Outdated Dream Guides and Dictionaries Have Outdated Words. Our lingo is different than it was 10 years ago, let alone 50 years ago. It only stands to reason that if terminology changes, so do meanings and interpretations. Our dictionary is… and will continue to be… updated frequently to include new terminology and changing interpretations.
- Times Change, Period. Here’s an example I use frequently when explaining the importance of an updated, up to the minute dream dictionary: In the 1950’s, if an individual had a dream about a television, it would have carried a lot more weight than you or me dreaming about one today. Most of us, today, have more than one television, whereas in the 50’s a tv set was quite a luxury item! Here’s another favorite example – Women. Years ago, we females were viewed a lot differently than today. Thank God things have changed! Outdated dream dictionaries can be pretty condescending toward females – without really meaning to be, of course. The same is true for different races and nationalities. Think about it – we simply know so much more today than we knew then. So, if this much has changed, how can anyone think for one minute that dream interpretations don’t change?!
Finally – a reminder: Dreams are fascinating, dreams are fun, dreams are cool. They are, however, not omens and they do not determine your future. If you have a troubling dream, try to determine what’s behind it if you choose to, then walk away from it and wait for the next dream.
A Few Things Coming Up on Dream Prophesy:
In addition to diving into more dreams and dream meanings, we’re also going to start having a lot of articles and information about sleep problems, improving your sleep, overcoming things such as night terrors and recurring nightmares, etc.
Big plans! I hope you’ll help spread the word about Dream Prophesy by sharing links on social media, forums, your blog – basically everywhere you can. The more people involved in the comments, the funner it is for everyone. Plus, very often, I learn from your dreams and experiences – so keep sharing!
Hoping your dreams are nothing but sweet! ~ Joi (“Joy”)
Dream Interpretation: What Does it Mean to Dream About a Honeysuckle Vine?
The dream analysis for dreaming about a honeysuckle vine is actually a little more complicated than you’d think. A honeysuckle vine is one of those dream symbols that can mean a lot of different things for a lot of different people.
The following dream scenarios are just a few:
- If someone with a severe allergy to honeysuckle dreams about a honeysuckle vine, they could be dealing with fear in their day to day life. They could also be struggling with a feeling of being “left out of” something. For example, someone with an allergy to this plant may sometimes feel “cheated” or left out by having to deal with allergies. The more allergies an individual has, the more likely they are to feel this way. In this case, dreaming about something they are allergic to could indicate that they feel they’ve been wronged, overlooked, or even cheated.
- If someone is a gardener and loves to grow beautiful plants, dreaming of a honeysuckle vine could be symbolic of goals, hopes, and dream. There is, most likely, something they are dreaming about – something they want to “grow,” so to speak.
- For many people (I’d say well over half), dreaming about a honeysuckle vine is a “return to childhood” type of nostalgic dream. Most of us remember enjoying the nectar from honeysuckle vines when we were kids. In fact, the smell of a honeysuckle vine takes me right back to being a little girl in western Kentucky! Understandably, we often long for the carefree, careless, fun days of our childhood and, in our dreams, our subconscious mind often allows us to visit sweet memories of our childhood.
Another thing to consider with a dream such as this is the surroundings. Was fear involved? Did you awaken from the dream feeling stressed, anxious, or relaxed? Each of these emotional details factor into the dream interpretation and analysis.
Infographic: Your Body on Sleep
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![Your Body On Sleep [Infographic] Your Body On Sleep [Infographic]](/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/your-body-on-sleep.jpg)